Our partnership portfolio and initiative with IABCD

Our partnership portfolio and initiative with Indian Association of Blood Cancer & Allied Diseases and its blood bank (IABCD Blood Centre)

MISSION: Unite blood and voluntary blood donors, talent, and innovation to save and improve lives.

VISION: Become the nation’s most innovative and inclusive blood and biotherapies partner.

Because of You, Life Doesn’t Stop

Every five seconds, someone in India needs blood. This could be a little girl in the ICU , a thalassaemia child, or a mother with Stage 3 leukaemia. If you’re worried about needles, don’t be—most blood donors compare the experience to a mild, split-second pinch! The entire process is very safe and very fast, and you will feel amazing knowing you potentially saved up to three people.

In the year 2021-2022, 137 youth leaders joined us and helped in motivating 8739 voluntary blood donors. Our team got an opportunity to serve and save lives of 5313 patients.

The Strategy- One Step Beyond effort

Emerging risks like the spread of infectious diseases, the higher incidence of non-communicable diseases and ageing populations are growing. The challenges that health systems are due to face are multifaceted and complex.

Through the research, experts make strong arguments for proactive investment in building health resilience today—a crucial step towards early action in minimizing the impacts of future threats.

These strategies are mapped into five key health system functions: governance, financing, resources, infrastructure and delivery

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